• Rendimento Travel Cards
In case of loss, robbery or theft, unblocking website user or card balance inquiry, call:
From Brazil:
4003-7666 (Capitals and metropolitan areas)
0800 771 7886 (Other locations)
From Abroad:
United States / Canada / Virgin Islands / Puerto Rico: 1-888-777-7016
Other Countries: (55) (11) 3817-0777 (call collect)
To call collect from other locations, Embratel offers local telephone numbers in each country. Just check out the website http://portal.embratel.com.br/fazum21/brasil-direto/numeros-de-acesso. Example: If you are in Argentina, you should call 0800-999-5500 (this is an Embratel phone number). Following the recording instructions, dial 1 for service in Portuguese and dial 1 again to make the collect call to Brazil. Next, just dial the telephone number (11) 3817-0777. The call is free and available 24 hours a day.
Banco Rendimento is not responsible for the international roaming fees charged by the phone operators. For more information, contact your phone operator.
• International Financial Services
For payments related to courses or services, alimony, donation, transfer of assets, supporting dependents abroad:
4003-5557 – Main Metropolitan Cities
(11) 3817-0775 – Other Locations
(Service from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm)*
• Payments
For remittances received from abroad via Banco Rendimento partners
0800 771 7456 – Calls in Brazil
+55 (11) 3178-8996 – Calls from abroad
(Service from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm)*
• Rendimento Online
Broker / Driving School
Customer Service – 4003-0772
(Service from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm)*
• Other Services
(11) 3629-7000
(Service from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm)*
* Except holidays
• Customer service for the hearing impaired for all services:
0800 720 7777