Banking Forms - Registration Form Legal Entity

Bank used only

1 Identification

2 Activities

Main sold products

3 Shareholding Control

Note: In the case of an economic group, attach an Organization chart.

4 Company real state

5 Shareholdings of the Company in other companies

6 Current Relevant Shareholdings and previous of the Director-Shareholders

7 Hired insurances

8 Commercial Relations

9 Leasing

10 Financial institution references (Indicate the institutions where you maintain or maintained credit operations

11 Contact(s) for the clarification of Balance/Registration

12 Necessary Documents

  • Last three balances
  • Articles of organization (certified copy)
  • Minutes of Constitution (certified copy)
  • Statutory amendments in the last 17 months (certified copy)
  • Annual report of the Board of Directors with activities of others companies of the group
  • Demonstrations of results (profits and losses)

13 Company History

14 Marketing Scheme

15 Seasonal aspects

16 Declare that the information provided is an expression of the truth

I authorize the Banco Rendimento S/A, headquartered at Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, nº 2092 - 19th floor, registered under the CNPJ/IMF (taxpayers Identification Number) number 68.900.810/0001-38, to provide or consult data or information consolidated in the Central Bank of Brazil, as well as the Credit Risk Central (in terms of responsabilities according to the provisions of the Resolution Nº2.724 of 05.31.2000), to the Brazilian Credit Protection Central Service (SCPC) and the Credit Reporting Agency - SERASA or other bodies of registration information, in order to address the law in force and allow an adequate and consistent analysis of the credits conceived or to be conceived.


In accordance with Circular Letter 3461 of the Central Bank of Brazil, the client declares and the financial institution accepts the purposes of the relationship described below, indicating: In Column 1, only one option for the main relationship, and in Column 2, as many options as required for potential/temporary relationships.


17 Destined to the use of the Department of Registration